Tips for Protecting Your Massage License in 2023


There are a lot of people who would like to receive a massage, but they are afraid they might lose their massage license in the process. License defense is the process of preventing your massage license from being revoked by someone who believes they were wrongly accused of receiving a massage without a license. We will explore how license defense works and what to do if you find yourself in this situation.

Table of Content:

  • Know your state’s licensing requirements
  • What to do if you’ve been accused of not meeting those requirements?
  • What to do if you’ve been accused of having inappropriate contact with a client?
  • How to tell if you’re being investigated?
  • Know your rights

Know your state’s licensing requirements

Massage licenses vary depending on where you live, but they all require training, a certain number of hours, and a background check. In order to keep your license, you need to meet all the requirements. Fortunately, if you keep yourself informed of your state’s licensing requirements, you’ll be able to stay on top of your training hours and tests. Below is a list of the different factors that will impact your massage license.

It’s important to know your state’s licensing requirements before you start working as a massage therapist. The first step is to know what your state requires. You can find this information on the government website.

What to do if you’ve been accused of not meeting those requirements?

If you are accused of not meeting requirements, there are some steps you can take to protect your license. For example, if you were accused of not meeting requirements and you were found to be innocent, you can file a charge of ethics violation. If you are found guilty of the ethics violation, you will have to take an ethics course. If you were accused of not meeting requirements and you were found to be guilty, you will have to take a course on ethics. You can also ask for a second opinion by asking a licensed massage therapist to review your case. If you are accused of not meeting requirements and you are found to be guilty, you will have to have a hearing. It is also important to note that if you were found guilty, you will have to pay the fine.

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What to do if you’ve been accused of having inappropriate contact with a client?

If you massage, it is important to know that you are not allowed to have any type of physical contact with a client without their explicit permission. If you have been accused of having inappropriate contact with a client, you will likely have a hearing before your board. In order to protect your license, you need to understand what to do before, during and after your hearing. The first thing to do is to set up an appointment with your board. You should make an appointment with a board member at least 24 hours before your hearing. This allows the board member to look into the matter and make sure that you are aware of what the board expects. You will want to be prepared with paperwork and evidence to submit to the board at the hearing. It is recommended that you prepare 3-5 pages of evidence. You should also set up a meeting with your board attorney before your hearing. This allows your attorney to discuss with you what the board expects. After your hearing, you will want to prepare a written

How to tell if you’re being investigated?

If you’re being investigated by the State Board of Massage and are worried your license is in jeopardy, there are a few things you should know. The first thing you have to do is figure out if you’re being investigated. You can do this by checking your license status online and making sure your status hasn’t changed. If it hasn’t changed, you are not being investigated. If it has changed, you are being investigated. If you are being investigated, you should also check your records to see if there is anything in there that can help you. If you find anything and you feel like it would help you, you should send it to your investigator. If you can’t find anything, you should consider contacting a lawyer.

Know your rights

You should be aware of what your rights are as a massage therapist. If you aren’t, you could find yourself in trouble. In order to protect your rights as a massage therapist, you need to know your rights. You can look up your rights on the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork website. The website is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies, which is a professional association. You should know your rights if you’ve been accused of sexual misconduct. Typically, you have the right to remain silent, and you can only be compelled to give a statement if you’ve been arrested. You have the right to have legal counsel during the investigation, and you should consult a lawyer as soon as possible.


We hope you enjoyed our blog about protecting your massage license. We know that many people see massage as a healing practice and can’t imagine why anyone would want to harm the therapist who is helping them. We hope that this blog can help you to reduce the risks of getting a massage license revoked. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you would like additional advice or want to learn more about what you can do to help protect your license!

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