Submit Blogs


Everyone whose article is selected for publication will be awarded a Certificate of Publication

The nature of this blog is a generalist blog, the authors are at liberty to choose any relevant theme/topic relating to law. The blog encourages legal, informative, and interdisciplinary approaches to law to facilitate a better understanding of laws and legal systems at the national and international levels.

The platform hopes to create an environment conducive to the exchange of opinion amongst law students, academicians, jurists, legal practitioners, and law and policy enthusiasts.

The blog encourages legal, informative, and interdisciplinary approaches to law to facilitate a better understanding of laws and legal systems at the national and international levels.


Professionals, legal researchers, and students (currently in any year of study of three-year/five-year law course) are eligible to send in their legal writeups.


The Legal State promotes article-based submissions on a wide range of topics, based on analyzing contemporary issues, policy decisions, case studies, proposing/recommending legislative reforms, judgment analysis, articles on constitutional law, contract law, the law of torts, environmental law, IPR, ADR, Cyberlaw, International Law, or any latest topic related to Law and legal.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions must be original. By submitting an article, the author undertakes that it has not been submitted, accepted, or published elsewhere.
  • The minimum word limit for the manuscripts is 1500 words. Authors are requested to adhere to the word limit.
  • Grammar and concept should be correct. (We recommend the authors run the articles through the Grammar checking tools before submitting them)
  • Articles submitted must be original and unpublished. (Articles having more than 20% unoriginal content will be rejected).
  • The structure of the article should be well constructed, i.e., must include every possible aspect of law and judicial pronouncements with regard to the title.
  • Must include your full name, college name, year of study and LinkedIn account in the body of mail.
  • The use of proper citations is a must (OSCOLA 4th Edition or Bluebook)
  • Citations (formatting): Font Size 10
  • Line Spacing (Citations): 1.0
  • The manuscript submitted must be in Times New Roman.
  • The font: size: Title: 16, headings: 14 the main body: 12.
  • The text should be justified.
  • Line Spacing (main text): 1.5

We’ll get back to you within 5-6 working days regarding the selection of your article, after our team review it successfully.

You must email your submission on

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