
Suo motu cognizance is a legal term that refers to the power of a court or tribunal to take notice of a matter on its own initiative, without the need for a formal complaint or petition to be filed. This power is typically used in situations where the court believes that a matter is of public importance or where there is a need to address an injustice.

However, the misuse of Suo motu cognizance has become a concern in recent years. This can happen when a court takes Suo motu cognizance of a matter without having a valid legal basis for doing so, or when it uses this power to further its own agenda rather than to serve the interests of justice.

One example of misuse of Suo motu cognizance is when a court takes notice of a matter that is already being dealt with by another court or tribunal. This can lead to delays and confusion, as well as a waste of resources.

Another example is when a court takes Suo motu cognizance of a matter that is politically sensitive, and uses this power to further its own interests, rather than to serve the interests of justice. This can lead to a loss of public trust in the judicial system and can undermine the rule of law.

In order to prevent the misuse of Suo motu cognizance, it is important for courts to exercise this power in a judicious and transparent manner, and to ensure that they are acting in the public interest. It is also important for there to be clear guidelines and procedures in place to govern the use of Suo motu cognizance, and for there to be mechanisms in place for the accountability of courts that misuse this power.

Overall, Suo Motu cognizance is an important power of courts, but it should be used judiciously and only in exceptional circumstances where it serves the public interest. Misuse of this power can undermine the rule of law and public confidence in the judicial system.


Indian Perspective

In India, the power of Suo motu cognizance is vested in the judiciary under Article 32 and Article 226 of the Indian Constitution. This power is typically used by courts to address matters of public importance or to address an injustice, where there is no other legal remedy available.

However, in recent years, there have been concerns about the misuse of Suo motu cognizance by courts in India. This can happen when a court takes Suo motu cognizance of a matter without having a valid legal basis for doing so, or when it uses this power to further its own agenda rather than to serve the interests of justice.

One example of misuse of Suo motu cognizance is when a court takes notice of a matter that is already being dealt with by another court or tribunal. This can lead to delays and confusion, as well as a waste of resources. For example, in 2016, the Supreme Court of India took Suo motu cognizance of the issue of air pollution in the National Capital Region, while the National Green Tribunal was already dealing with the same issue. This led to confusion and delays in addressing the problem.

Another example of misuse of Suo motu cognizance is when a court takes notice of a matter that is politically sensitive, and uses this power to further its own interests, rather than to serve the interests of justice. This can lead to a loss of public trust in the judicial system and can undermine the rule of law. For example, in 2020, the Allahabad High Court took Suo motu cognizance of the issue of alleged police brutality during the anti-CAA protests in Uttar Pradesh, which was seen by some as an attempt to interfere in the functioning of the state government.


MISUSE OF SUO MOTO COGNIZANCE in USA vs Pakistan vs Bangladesh

However, just like in India, the misuse of Suo motu cognizance has been a concern in many other countries. This can happen when a court takes Suo motu cognizance of a matter without having a valid legal basis for doing so, or when it uses this power to further its own agenda rather than to serve the interests of justice.

For example, in Pakistan, there have been concerns that the judiciary has overstepped its bounds by taking Suo motu cognizance of matters that should be handled by the executive or legislative branches of government. This has led to a perception that the judiciary is using its power to further its own agenda, rather than to serve the interests of justice. In Pakistan, the power of suo motu cognizance is vested in the judiciary under Article 184(3) of the Pakistani Constitution. This power is typically used by courts to address matters of public importance or to address an injustice, where there is no other legal remedy available.

  • In 2018, the Supreme Court of Pakistan took suo motu cognizance of the issue of encroachments in Karachi, while the Sindh High Court was already dealing with the same issue. This led to confusion and delays in addressing the problem.
  • in 2019, the Supreme Court of Pakistan took suo motu cognizance of the issue of alleged political interference in the appointment of senior civil servants, which was seen by some as an attempt to interfere in the functioning of the government.

In Bangladesh, the use of Suo motu cognizance by the judiciary has also been a source of controversy. In particular, there have been concerns that the judiciary has used this power to interfere in the functioning of the executive and legislative branches of government. In Bangladesh, the power of suo motu cognizance is vested in the judiciary under Article 102 of the Bangladesh Constitution.

  • In 2015, the High Court of Bangladesh took suo motu cognizance of the issue of environmental pollution in Dhaka, while the National Green Tribunal was already dealing with the same issue. This led to confusion and delays in addressing the problem.
  • In 2019, the High Court of Bangladesh took suo motu cognizance of the issue of alleged electoral misconduct during the national elections, which was seen by some as an attempt to interfere in the functioning of the government.

In the United States, the courts have used the writ of mandamus to take Suo motu cognizance, but this is a rare occurrence and it is usually done in cases of governmental abuses of power, misconduct or when a public official fails to act in their duty.

In most of the cases, the misuse of Suo motu cognizance can lead to a loss of public trust in the judicial system, and can undermine the rule of law.

In the United States, the concept of suo motu cognizance goes against the principle of separation of powers and the idea that the judiciary should be impartial and not take an active role in initiating legal proceedings. However, there have been instances of suo motu cognizance being misused in the United States, such as when a judge takes notice of a matter that is not within their jurisdiction, or when they use their power to influence a case for personal gain or to further their own agenda.

In Pakistan, the judiciary has been known to use suo motu cognizance to take notice of matters that are of public importance or that may have been neglected by other branches of government. However, this power has also been misused by some judges, who have used it to further their own interests or to take action against political opponents. This has led to accusations of politicization of the judiciary and has undermined the integrity of the legal system.

In Bangladesh, the judiciary has used suo motu cognizance to take notice of a wide range of matters, including human rights violations, corruption, and environmental degradation. However, this power has also been misused by some judges, who have used it to further their own interests or to take action against political opponents. This has led to accusations of politicization of the judiciary and has undermined the integrity of the legal system.



In conclusion, to prevent the misuse of Suo motu cognizance, it is important for courts to exercise this power in a judicious and transparent manner, and to ensure that they are acting in the public interest. It is also important for there to be clear guidelines and procedures in place to govern the use of Suo motu cognizance, and for there to be mechanisms in place for the accountability of courts that misuse this power.

the power of Suo motu cognizance is an important power of courts around the world, but it should be used judiciously and only in exceptional circumstances where it serves the public interest. Misuse of this power can lead to confusion, delays, and undermines the rule of law and public confidence in the judicial system. It’s necessary to have clear guidelines and procedures in place to govern the use of Suo motu cognizance and ensure accountability.

Suo motu cognizance is an important power of courts in India, but it should be used judiciously and only in exceptional circumstances where it serves the public interest. Misuse of this power can lead to confusion, delays and undermine the rule of law and public confidence in the judicial system. It’s necessary to have clear guidelines and procedures in place to govern the use of Suo motu cognizance and ensure accountability. The concept of suo motu cognizance is commonly used in the Indian legal system as a tool for addressing important public issues and protecting the rights of citizens. However, like any powerful tool, it can also be misused by some judges who use it to further their own interests or to take action against political opponents. This can lead to politicization of the judiciary and can undermine the integrity of the legal system.

Additionally, the judiciary should be transparent in the use of suo motu cognizance and should provide clear reasoning and evidence for their actions, to avoid any perception of bias or misuse of power. The courts should also be mindful of the potential consequences of their actions and should always strive to ensure that justice is served for all parties involved.

Overall, Suo motu cognizance is a powerful tool in the Indian legal system, but it must be used with caution to ensure that the rights of all parties are protected and that the integrity of the legal system is maintained.


Arghya Sen
2nd year Law Student, Amity university, Kolkata

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