VOICE VOTE – Meaning and overview

VOICE VOTE – An overview


According to the definition of Merriam Webster, it is a Parliamentary vote taken by calling for ayes and noes and estimating which response is stronger.

The concept of Voice Vote is taken from the parliament of the united Kingdom and it has been used since British India.

The speaker of the house puts up the question at the house and then asking the member of the house to forward their opinion by saying ayes (yes) and noes (no) and based on rough measure that which side is louder and accordingly speaker decides whether the motion is passed or not. The clear advantage of the Voice Vote is that it is quick, and the disadvantage of Voice Vote is that it is inaccurate the speaker has to decide the opinion of house by just measure of which side is louder. But if any member of house challenges the Voice Vote then the speaker can ask for the Division.

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It is this Vote is challenged by any member, then the speaker of the house can as for the division. In the parliament of the United Kingdom, it has been done by physical separation of the members and by counting their heads but in India, it has been done in two ways either by operating an automatic voice recorder or by going into the lobbies. The advantage of Division is that it tells the public what exactly the vote count is.


Mayank Raghuvanshi

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